Chapter 3 "The Quidditch Incident"

Chapter 3 “The Quidditch Accident” “Gips stayed with me.” Ramen cried. “Professor let me take him I’m faster with my broom.” Said Keysa in an urgent. “Fine hurry take to Madam Pomfrey in the third floor, hurry.” Mcgonnaguy shouted, Keysa flew off in a hurry. “Professor is he gonna be okay?” Ramen ask in sadness. “Cara wake up, you pass out.” Said Dwill while try to wake Cara. “Oh sorry guys, I just thought I died.” Cara said sarcastically. “Where’s Gips?” Cara ask without knowing happen to Gips. Ramen explain what happen to Gips while crying. Cara, Dwill, and Ramen meet Keysa and the dying Gips in the Hospital Wing. “Is he okay.” Ramen ask while being comfort by Dwill. “He’s barely surviving, what happened.” Madam Pomfrey ask in shocked. “A guy with a cloak use the Bombarda Maxima charm and exploded the equipment shed and passing Cara and almost killing Gips. “Hmm, I can make a Healing Potion to save her, Vulnera Sanetur.” Gips scars and marks has been healed by the spell. “He’s fin just need to recover a few day or weeks, Ferula.” Adam Pomfrey crated a bandage in Gips nose, arms and hands. “Now I think you kids should go to the feast.” Said madam Pomfrey while making the potion. At the feast Smartledore have an announcement. “Excuse me can everyone be quiet, I have some depressing news, one of the first year Gips Maximus has been attack by a Sabarudin minion, but 4 people save us all.” Said Smartledore. “Who is it, I dunno, I think there seventh graders.” Everyone talking. “The people who save us are first and second graders, Ramen Samus, Dwill Woods, Keysa Makichan, and Cara Mayhar. I’ll give them each 10 points!!!” Smartledore shouted. “Did we just become stars.” Dwill say happily. “Yup.” Cara said. PLUCK, Ramen open the door of the dorm and being welcome by Bullet and Puka. “Oh hey guys.” Ramen petting Puka and Bullet. “Kruh.” Bullet Confused. “Oh Bullet, sorry but Gips is in the Hospital Wing, how about for breakfast we will visited Gips.” Said Ramen. “Kruh.” Bullet smile. “Nyarth.” Puka being a jealous cat. “Yah Puka I didn’t forget about you, ok lets go to sleep now.” Said Ramen while changing to his PJ’s. The next morning, “Bullet, Puka lets go to Gips.” Ramen marching to the Hospital Wing. “Hey is Gips friend.” Said Max Million. “Ahh I heard crying from the Hufflepuff table are you crying for your Mud-Blood friend.” Buzz teasing Ramen“You shut the Merlins up or, or, or I.” Ramen shuterd. “Aghh you scared.” Max and Buzz laughing. “Nyarth, Kruh.” Bullet and Puka attack Max and Buzz. “Arghh I’ll call my dad.” Max and Buzz running from Puka and Buzz. “Nice one.” A tall, skinny, white, blonde hair guy with a prefect badge clapping. “Oh you’re the prefect Kamen.” Ramen sad happily. “Yup, nice one and if you in any trouble just flip this coin and get heads.” Kamen winks at Ramen. “Sorry were late.” Said Cara and Dwill. “OMG, who is this cute cat.” Cara snuggle Puka. “Nyarth.” Puka like the snuggles. TOCK, TOCK, TOCK. Ramen, Dwill, Cara open the Hospital Wing door. “Guys, Eghh, Eghh.” Said Gips barely surviving. “Is he ok?” Ramen ask. “Kruh, Kruh.” Bullet trying to wake up Gips. “Oh, he’s still recovering, the Healing potion work but he’s still need to rest.” Said Madam Pomfrey while giving chocolate to Gips. “Ramen, take cara Bullet, pls.” Gips said in pain. “Ok, I hope you will recover in a speeding Bullet.” Ramen trying to light up the mood. “Really Ramen.” Dwill and Cara disappointed while face palming. “Sorry I’m late.” Said Keysa. “Gips I have something for you.” Keysa handed a potion. “Ooh thanks.” Gips said softly while petting Bullet. “Bye Gips.” Said Everyone “By the way in the end of the day can you guys came to my first Quidditch game.” Said Keysa happily. “Wow.” Said Cara while hugging Keysa. “Nice.” Said Ramen. “Yah, good luck.” Said Dwill. “Ok bye I need to practise, wish me luck.” Keysa run off. “Today is Transfiguration, on the schedule.” Said Ramen. “OMG, I love Transfiguration, my mom love to teach me Transfiguration, that’s why I know about Serpensontia.” Said Cara proudly. When they enter the room they see Professor Mcgonnaguy, putting small rocks at the tables. “Welcome kids for your first lesson on transfiguration.” Mcgonnaguy welcoming them. “Today you will learn how to transform this small rock into a beautiful bird, observe, Avivors.” Shouted Mcgonnaguy, a yellow spark come out from Mcgonnaguy want and make the rock grow wings and flew off. SWOOSH. “Now everyone can you please practise the spell with a group of three, the first group who hah done the spell correctly, will be awarded the highest score and 3 points.” Said Mcgonnaguy. “Ramen do you want to be in the same group?” Cara ask happily. “Let me Wing it.” Ramen giggles. “Ramen, STOP!!!” Dwill being pissed. “We need those points, Raven Claw is so behind.” Said Dwill. “Let me do it first, Avirvors.” Shouted Cara an orange spark come out from Cara wand and give the rock wings. The rock flew off with great speed. “Cara do something.” Ramen shouted. “Ahh, aghh, Reparifage.” Cara shouted but it only make things worse. “Let me take care of it, Vermilious.” Shouted Dwill blasting the rock, but the rock just chases Dwill. “Help!!!” Dwil shouted in fear, in the background everyone laughing. “Reparifage.” Shouted Mcgonnaguy, turning the flying rock back. “Cara Mayhar I expected better from you, Raven Claw minus 5 points.” Said Mcgonnaguy disappointed. After Transfiguration They all are going to support Keysa on the Quidditch game. “Guys, I just fail Raven Claw I’m the worse.” Cara started crying. “Cara did you forget this morning we just got 10 points each.” Dwill pointed the obvious. “Com on lets just go and support Keysa. “Keysa!!!” Ramen Shouted while waving at Keysa. “Guys thanks for coming.” Said Keysa happily. “Ah of course we need to come, is mandatory.” Said Ramen. “Oh yeah.” Keysa embarrass. “Break a broom.” Said Ramen. “Thanks.” Keysa flew off. “Welcome ladies and gentleman, to the first Quidditch match of the year. The first match is Griffindor vs Slytherin.” Said the commentator with excitement. “We can see the new Griffindor seeker Keysa Makichan. “Yayyyy, HOOO.” The Griffindor’s student cheers. “Now let the match begin!!!” Said the commentator happily. “The Bludger and the snich has been realease.” SWOOOSH. Keysa is trying too follow the snitch , but right behind her is the Slytherin chaser following her. “Ahh, the Griffindor beater swoosh the bludger to the seeker. “AHHh.” Slytherin chaser cry. “And just for reminders, the first team get 150 point wins. THUD!!!, “Slytherin scores, 10 points.” The Commentator said. “Everyone use plan Delta.” Said the Griffindor quidditch team. The Beater knock the Bludger to the Slytherin chaser, and The Griffindor chaser scor 10 points. “Griffindor got 10 points.” The Commentator said Happily. “That’s enough, Slytherin surround the chaser.” Said the Slytherin captain. “Keysa, your are only hope.” Said the Captain. “I’m on it.” Keysa swoosh and chasing the snitch. “I almost got it.” Keysa almost grab the snitch but Keysa broom is moving uncontrollable. “Help, anyone help.” Said Keysa almost falling. “Is Keysa fine.” Said Cara confused. “Guys, I think someone is hexing the broom. “Look at Sepuluh Snape, his wand is out.” Ramen pointing at Sepeluh Snape. Ramen, Cara, and Dwill sneak down and going under Snape sit. “We need to stop Snape.” Said Ramen. “I know, Serpensontia.” Said Cara. Suddenly a snake appear on Snape, Seamus and Mcgonnaguy. “Merlins Beard.” Professor Seamus surprised. “Vipera Evanesca.” Shouted Sepuluh Snape. Keysa hex is over. “Look Keysa is fine, can Keysa carry the Griffindor team.” The Commentator said with excitement. “Just a little bit more.” Said Keysa while grabbing the snitch. “The Snitch has been capture!!!” Everyone clapping. “Griffindor Wins, Griffindor wins, Griffindor Wins!!


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