Chapter 1 "The Blower Upper"

The Eggcelent Adventure Of Gips and Ramen Chapter 1 “The Blower Upper” Hello my name is Ramen (not food), I’m from the family Samus, I’m a Half-Blood wizard, my mum is a muggle and my dad is a pure blood wizard. So that’s make me a Half-Blood (Duh, idiot) I’m a tall, white colour skin and blonde hair guy, and my best friend Gips Maximus is a Mud-Blood (Disgusting, sorry I’m joking) he’s a average height brown colour hair guy who love’s pranks and mischieve. And yours truly love’s making puns, puntastic. Now are “Heroes” are in The Three Bromsticks to have Lunch. “Munch….. Munch… Hmmm sooo good.” Gips says with a mouth full. “Is it good noodle, eh get it.” Gips laugh. “ And you said my puns are bad, besides the horrible puns the food is amazing the roasted chicken and butter beer are so good, did you hear about the gossi-.” Ramen being stop by Gips. “Stop !!! gossiping is bad.” Ramen being lecture by Gips. “Is not like those gossip, I heard the Hufflepuff prefect Phoebe use the Bombarda spell on Hogrid’s cabin.” Ramen having sins from gossiping. “ Oooh me want the bom spell thingy.” Gips excited to learn the Bombarda spell. After they eaten like pigs, Gips and Ramen venture Diagon Alley to shop for school supplies. THE SCHOOL SUPLIES: - Wand - Books - Cauldron - Pets - Potion equipment - Robes On the way to Oliviander’s Ramen and Gips come across a magical pet shop full of fantastic beast. From nifflers to Bowtrukle. “Ramen OMG is half off!!!” Gips excited while shaking Ramen. In the far back of the store a white snowy owl fly off the cage and tackle Gips. “You’re the chosen one.” Gips holding the Owl. “For now one you are Bullet the speedster.” Gips holding the owl in a lion king way. “Ok that’s cute but you still need to pay.” Ramen ruining the fun. “Fine.” Gips frown. “Then I will take this cat, your name is puka.” Ramen snuggle the cat with his nose.” “Nyarth.” Puka cries. “Oh come on, one galleon please.” Gips protested in an angry voice “Sorry we only accept two galleons or no owl.” Manager says in a sassy voice. “Fine.” Gips is still angry about it. “I still cant believe we got this pets for two fricking galleon’s.” Said ramen happily. “I really want it cheaper, like one galleon. Now Ramen and Gips are walking to Oliviander’s to get there first wand. “Flipindo is a offensive spell.” Ramen studying. “Really you studied even before we got our wand, you are such a nerd.” Said Gips. “I’m just super excited, I just wanted to duel, make potions, and see some fantastic beast. “Tring.” A bell sound of a door has opend, when Gips and Ramen enter the shop they see an old mad carriying a few wands. “Ah, newcomers are getting your new wands.” Said Oliviander. “Duh, what do you think were doing here.” Gips burn Oliviander. “Gips have manner’s.” Ramen spank Gips. “Then let the nice one go first.” Oliviander blinking to Ramen. “see Gips nice people get nice thing.”. “Just watch out when I have my wand.” Gips crossed his arm. “Hmm, lets try this wand, it’s a unicorn hair with maple wood.” A shinning light is surrounded Ramen. “ A rare occasion, the first wand you have is the wand you get.” People are making bad puns. “Now you the kinda evil one.” Said Oliviander. “I thought you are an old wise man.” Gips disappointed on Oliviander. “Ok try this wand, it’s a Dragon heart string with oak wood.” When Gips flicks his wand the glass burst. “Me like.” Said Gips happily. “I think you should tried this wand phoenix feather and Birch wood.” This time when Gips flicks his wand Gips is surrounded by the light. “I’m in heaven.” Said Gips happily. “Ok, now you all need to go.” Oliviander kicks them out. “He’s nice.” Ramen said in a confusing voice. Ramen and Gips are now in the potion shop to buy the last thing in the list. Gips seeing a lot of potions to buy, from healing, Polyjuice, and love potion. “Hmm I still have 5 galleons then I’ll buy all of them.” Gips handed the money to the cashier. “Gips I finished to buy everything at the list, now we are going to meet at Hogwarts Express.” Ramen Salute to Gips. “Bye Ramen.” “TWO WEEKS LATER” “Please all Hogwarts student line up to enter the Hogwarts express, I repeat please all Hogwarts student go and line up to enter the Hogwarts express.” Said the AP. “Gips.” “Ramen”, said both of them happily when meet. “I’m so excited to go to Hogwarts.” “Me too.” “Okay now, Ramen and Gips take care off your self, and Gips is from your mother.” Kissing Ramen on the forehead. “Mom your embarrassing me.” Ramen wave good bye too his mom. “Gips lets go in now.” Ramen and Gips when line up to the train. Ramen and Gips are now finding a place too sit down. “Hey is this free.” Ramen ask. “Yah, you can sit here if you want.” Said the nice girl. “BTW my name is Keysa, Keysa Makichan.” Keysa welcome’s the new students. “Me name is Gips and this is my friend Ramen.” Gips shakes Keysa hands. After they chatted a bit, a new student appear. “Hey sorry is this cart is free.” The new student ask. “NO.” Said Gips. “Gips!!!” Shouted Ramen and Keysa. “Sorry.” Gips apologize. “Oh thanks, my name is Dwill Woods.” Dwill chatted a bit with them, but then “Guys is the train shaking.” Dwill ask. “Truuuututtn tuututtu.” The train started shaking then AP started to tell. “Please every adult or five to seven graders protect the young ones because this is an invasion by the Sabarudins please stay calm find a hiding place until further instruction.” The AP closes. “Everyone turn off the lights, closed the door and hide behind the chair.” Keysa ask.” “Everybody ready up your wand and be quiet.” But in the Back Keysa, Gips, Dwill, and Ramen can hear foot steps. “BOMBARDA.” Exploding the wall. Gips, Ramen, Dwill, and Keysa started running there being chase by two Sabarudins minions. “Stupefy, Flippindo, Bombarda.” Shouted the Sabarudins. “Protego.” Keysa Shouted, suddenly there was a big blue shield protecting them. “Do you guys know any fighting spell.” Keysa ask. “I know one, Flippindo.” One of the Sabarudins suddenly fly off. “Help.” Sabarudin cries. “Now is my turn Obscuro.” The Sabarudin is blinded by the Blindfold that Keysa created. “Now for the finishing blow Bombarda.” Gips shouted, BOOM the Sabarudin is knock out. “We just defeated two Sabarudin Minions.” Swill very proud. “Dwill you did nothing.” Gips ruin Dwill’s happiness. “Now please everyone go to cart 1 to 10 those cart are protected by the staff and prefects, I repeat go to cart 1 to 10. “Lets go now.” Ramen said


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