Chapter 2 "Stranger Danger"

Chapter 2 “Stranger Danger” When Ramen and Gips arrive at Hogwarts, they still need to past the Lagoon Lake. “Ok kids follow me to the docks, errg.” Said Hogrid, “Guys do you want to be in the same boat.” Dwill ask happily. “One word Dwill no.” Gips roasted Dwill. “Gips be nice.” Ramen spanked Gips.” “Fine… fine… fine sorry.” Gips disappointed “Okay kids, pick one boat then go canoe to the castle.” Said Hogrid. When they arrive at Hogwarts they meet Mcgonnaguy, Mcgonnaguy is an old Woman who likes wearing green clothes and have brown but whitening hair. “Please everyone make a line to the Sorting Ceremony.” Mcgonnaguy prepping everyone for the ceremony. “Now please everyone calm down for the sorting ceremony.” Said Mcgonnaguy. “Now please step in Dwill Woods.” “Wish me luck.” Dwill ask nervously. “Ahh, someone who is underestimated, never main character, but got a lot to proof you can be a Slytherin or maybe Raven Claw.” The Sorting Hat Confused. “Ramen what’s happening.” Gips very confused. “Woi, I’ve never seen it happening before.” Ramen shocked. “Wut is it.” Gips still asking. “Its call a hat stall, is when the hat is thorn after the houses.” Ramen explain but Gips still didn’t understand. “Me no understand.” “Now Dwill is your choice, do you want to be a slytherin the cunning or Raven Claw the wise.” Sorting Hat ask Dwill. “Then I pick Raven Claw.” In the back we can hear the Raven Claw house clapping for Dwill After a few students is no Ramen turns. “Hmm, you’re a quite odd one, have a bravery of a Griffindor, the brains of a Raven Claw, and the Heart of a Hufflepuff, and even at the age of ten can use the spell Flippindo, amazing, than Hufflepuff!!!” The Hufllepuff house cheering. Then finally is Gips turn to be sorted. “Now please Gips Maximus come and be sorted.” Said Mcgonnaguy. “Eghh, I’m so nervous what if I got sorted to Slytherin.” Gips speaking in his Head “Ahh, a Mud-Blood interesting, Hufflepuff!!” Shouted the Sorting Hat. “That fast.” Gips Shocked. “Gips congrats, were in the same house, and BTW how did you cast the Bombarda spell that fast?” Ramen ask. “Dunno maybe its just me talent.” Said gips while showing his “guns” “Everyone can I have your attention please, I know in recent event like in the Hogwarts express there was an incident. I need everyone in high alerts if there was another attack you need to stay guard and because of that were opening a Duelling club in two month, every year will have a captain and a deputy and twenty five members, now I let you all feast at this astonishing feast. Suddenly all type’s of food appear in everyone faces. From turkey, mash potatoes and even crab sandwitches (get it witches,). Gips was eating like if the world ends tomorrow. After they feast like king they go to their dorms and escort by the prefects. “Ok everyone my name is Phoebe and I’m the prefect of Hufflepuff.” Phoebe introduce her self. “Gips I think I’m in love.” Ramen shacking Gips. Ramen, Gips and the other Hufflepuff are passing the stairs that always moving. “And this is the moving staircase, becrful if you fall.” Phoebe said sarcastically. Now everyone lets go to the house, the house s beside the kitchen in th basement. After the Orientation Ramen and Gips are settling in their dorm, in their dorm. “Ok Puka you need to be nice.” Ramen petting Puka. “Bombarda… Bombarda…Bombarda eghh.” Gips failed using the spell. “Gips what’s wrong?” Ramen confused. “The frick, my spell are broken.” Gips having an tantrum. “You need to practise your spell, ok now go to sleep we have charms and DATDA.” In the morning when Gips and Ramen was eating, they were attack by the Serpensontia spell. “Merlins Beard.” Ramen jump of the chair in fear. “Vipera Evanesca.”. “I’m so sorry, I’m so stupid, I’m just practicing my spell.” She begged for Ramen forgiveness. “Its ok don’t sweat about it, I think you should apologies to Gips he’s super scared of snakes.” Ramen pointed at Gips while the new girl apologies at Gips. Now everyone is walking to charm class, Ramen is so excited because is he’s favourite subject. “I’m super excited for Charms I already practise all of the spell.” Said Ramen. “Then what’s the use of Charms.” Gips ask. “For learning more, duh.” Said Ramen. When they almost arrive at the class they were tackle by some Slytherin students. “Oh sorry I didn’t see some Mud-Bloods.” The Slytherin kid said. “Hey that’s my friend.” Ramen defended Gips. “Bye-bye Mud-Blood.” The Slytherin kid taunting Gips.” Gips are you ok?” “I’m fine.” Gips sobbed. When there walking to the classroom they see a small man, pulling up his wands. “Ah welcome my name is Prof Flitwick.” Prof Flitwick introduce him self. “Excuse me Prof Flitwick what are we learning today.” The Raven Claw girl ask. “Ah, nice question Cara, were learning the Levitation charm, Wingardium Leviosa.” Prof Flitwick explain. “Weit is that the one who cast the snake spell.” Gips pointed at Cara in anger. “Now everyone practise the Levitation charm on those feathers , remember flitck and twice.” Said Prof Flitwick happily. “Wingardium Leviosa.” Ramen said confidently, when Ramen said the spell on the feather, the feather levitate. “Woy nice on Mr Samus, 10 points to Hufflepuff.” Said Prof Flitwick. “Yes my first points.” Ramen fist bump into the air. “Yah, yah I can do these spell too Wingardium Levyosa.” BOOM, The feather exploded on Gips face. “Hahahaha.” Everyone laugh. “Nice try Gips.” Said Cara and Dwill. After the Charm class they all go to the DATDA class room. “Gips nice face.” Said Ramen and Dwill with laughter. “Guys don’t be mean at Gips.” Said Cara to defend Gips. “Yah, yah lets just go to the class room.” Gips said while frowning. “Guys.” A friendly voice can be heard. “Guys how is your first class?” Keysa ask. “Is great I got 10 points, but Gips.” Ramen pointed at Gips. “Sorry, I’m in a hurry I have Quiditch practise.” Keysa flew off with a broom stick. In DATDA They were welcome by a Middle age men with Brown Hair, Black eyes, and wearing a brown cloak. “Welcome, my name is Prof Seamus and I’m your DATDA teacher, today were gonna learn the Vermillious hex this spell can produce a mildly strong red spark good for first years.” Prof Seamus explain. “Can anybody show me how to cast the spell?” Ask Prof Seamus. “I can.” Dwill shouted. “Vemillious.” When Dwill cast the spell it produce a small red spark. “Not bad but you can do better, 3 point to Raven Claw. After DatDa, Dwil, Ramen, Gips, and Mayra meet Keysa in the Quiditch field. “You’re the only one hear.” Gips and Ramen ask. “Yah I’m still practising.” Said Keysa while smiling. THUD. A loud sounding sound can be hear at the equipment room.” “What was that.” Cara said in fear. “Don’t worry let me check it.” Keysa go to the Equipment room with the others following her. “Its lock.” Said Dwill. “Not anymore, Alohamora.” Keysa said. In the Equipment room there was someone with a black cloak. “Weit I thought people cant enter Hogwarts.” Gips Surprise. “Confringo.” Shouted the black cloak man, burning the shed. “Everybody prepare your wand, it’s a battle, Flippindo.” Keysa shouted knock down the man. The man turn into smoke while blasting the kids with the stunning spell. “Ahggh.” Gips dodge the spell. “That enough Vermilous.” Ramen and Dwill attack the man. “Aghh.” The guy got blasted. “That enough Serpensontia. “ He summon a snake.” .”Sorry but Vipera Evanesca.” Cara kill the snake. “Incarcarnerous.” Keysa shouted and tied the man up. “Is that all you got the man broke free from the whip. “ Bye, bye kids Bombarda Maxima.” Shouted the man, and exploding the equipment shack. “Protego.” Shouted Mcgonnaguy. “Oh kids are you ok.” Mcgonnaguy rush to help the kids. “Were ok but how about Gips and Cara.” Said Ramen. “Who did this?” mcgonnaguy ask. “ a guy who can turn into black smoke.” Said Keysa. “It cant be, two times in one week, he’s here.” Mcgonnaguy shocked. “Everybody lets go to the Hospital wing now.” Said Mcgonnaguy.


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