Episode 3

“Healing and Dueling”

2 days later, Ramen: “Yossss! Excited Ramen. Ramen is so excited because today Gips and Dwill are going back to class. Ramen: “Hello Madam Pompey, I want to visit my friends” Madam Pompey: “They have return!” Madam Pompey with a sad toon” Ramen: “Startled Ramen.” Madam Pompey:” Do you like my dark hummor” Ramen: “Wow” Madam Pompey: “They are in the Hufflepuff common room with your prefect, Phoebe isn’t it” Ramen:” Yahh she’s amazing” Madam Pompey: “Hmm some new lovers” Ramen: “Ok I think I just go to the common room.

On the way to the common room Gips see Dwill and Gips talking to a Gryffindor student. Osas is burning Gips clothes while Dwill is blasting water to Osas and Gips clothes Gips: “Oh it’s Ramen, come here noodles” Osas: “Do u know da way” Dwill: “Don’t mind him. he’s a fire caster, and hurry we have Defend Against the Dark Arts or me and Gips call it DATDA” Ramen: “Then let’s go”

In DATDA the teacher Senus is teaching a new offensive spell. Senus: “Today kids you will learn the spell Incarcarnerous, does anyone know what type and usage of the spell” Osas: “Me” Senus:” Wut Osas.” Osas: “Do u know Da way.” Senus:” Anybody else.” Ramen:” Me sir, the spell is a whipping spell for offensiveness but you can use it to be a grappling hook.” Senus:” Good, ten points to Hufflepuff, Okay Gips and Dwill I think you should sit this one out” Gips: “Don’t worry I’m feeling fine (Crackkk)” Gips bone cracking. Dwill:” I think we should sit this one out” Gips:” Fine!!!!” Said Gips angrily.

Senus:” Ok take one dummy and practice the spell.” Gips:” Ok incarcorrnryus.” When Gips use the spell the dummy when on fire” Gips: “Oookkk this is not right wait, I say the spell wrong okay, Incarcarnerous” This time the spell work and the dummy is tangled by a purple whip.

Ramen: “Damn I love DATDA, I’m the best one there” Gips: “At least I’m better at potion” Dwill:” Can you both shut the frigggg up.” Angry Dwill. After they argue a Third year Gryffindor ridding a broom stick and tackle Gips in the head while saying dumb stupid Mud -Blood, and after The Third Grader attacking Gips, Ramen and Gips use Flippindo and Bombarda but The Third Grader block the spells with Protego and saying of course your spell is weak you are a Mud Blood

Gips:” U son of an eret fing bish *&#%^” Darry: “Wut da wut” Gips: “translation: BECUZ IM STROONG” Darry: “it’s okay that you call yourself “strong” at least I am not a MUD FREAKIN’ BLUD” Gips: “ladies and gentlemen. That summarizes slytherin.” Ramen and Dwill:” Ohhhhhh snappp.” Darry:” and that’s also summarize RACISM” Gips:” And that summarizes ur face.” Darry:” If racist than who are you?!!” Ramen and Dwill:” Oh snapppp!!” Gips:” Bombarda, what do you expect? I’m ME!!” Darry:” Protego, I expect you be a mud blood and a disgrace to this whole entire world” Gips: “Right back at ya” Darry: “Then Bombarda Maxima” After Darry using the spell Gips was sent to the Hospital Wing and Slytherin got -15 points but Slytherin is still in first place. After the Duel Ramen, Dwill, and Darry come to Smartledore office,

Smartledore: “What just happen” Smartledore confused. Smartledore: “Now you kids tell me the truth.” Dwill:” Nooootttthhhhiiiinnnng.” Darry:” uhhh nuttthing.” Darry lying. Smartledore:” Drink this potion.” Ramen:” Is this gonna kill us?” Smartledore:” No but it can tell me the truth.” Dwill:” Erghh I want to barf” Darry:” Me too” (erghhhh).”  Smartledore:” Now who started the duel?” Darry:” Me!!!” Smartledore: “Next question, what spell did Darry use?” Ramen: “It’s Protego and Bombarda Maxima” Smartledore: “Ok Dwill and Ramen you two go visit Gips in the Hospital Wing and Darry you come to me to the Profesor Mcgonnaguy room.

Ramen: “Madam Pompey, is Gips fine?” Madam Pompey: “He's going to die.” Dwill:” Wut the Smartledore beard.” Ramen:” Dwill she’s kidding. After a little bit chatter with Madam Pompey, they heard that Gips is dying and the only way to heal it that need to make a healing potion. Ramen:” Wut if we fail?” Madam Pompey: “Don’t worry me, Smartledore, Sepuluh Snake, Prof Flicker and Mcgonnaguy will heal him, now go to Sepuluh Snake office and brew the potion quickly!!”

Meanwhile in Sepuluh Snake’s Office

Sepuluh Snake:” Wut are you stupid kids doing here.” Angry Snape. Ramen: “Sorry Mr Snape, we want to make a healing potion.” Sepuluh Snake: “You think you two First grader can make one of the hardest potion.” Burn Snake. Ramen:” No, but we can try and besides we have your help.” Sepuluh Snake: “I’m busy stupid child, but you can ask your Prefect or head boy or girl.”

After Sepuluh Snake burn the kids they ask the Hufflepuff prefect to ask about how to make the potion. Ramen:” Ergh, we should ask the Hufflepuff prefect Phoebe?” Dwill: “How about the Ravenclaw prefect Deka?” Ramen: “Noppppeee we’re going with the Hufflepuff prefect Phoebe sorry not sorry.” Dwill:” Ok ok.”

Ramen:” uhh Phoebe, I want to ask for a favour?” Shy Ramen.” Phoebe: “Anything.” Ramen: “It’s just ahhhhh.” Dwill:” Realy, we need your help to make a healing potion.” Frustated Dwill. Phoebe:” Wut for?” Ramen: “It’s for Gips, He was got hit by Bombarda Maxima by a Third year Gryffindor, yah nothing special.” Phoebe:” I don’t know how to make a healing potion, but I know how to use a healing spell its call Espikey, it’s an easy spell cast the spell on the part it hurt.” Ramen:” Thanks!!!!”

At the Hospital Wing they tried to use the spell but it’s not powerful enough to heal the woons." Madam Pompey:” Thanks for your helping but I think that spell is to weak, teacher will cure the woons.” Ramen:” Yayy Gips will die” In an evil voice. Madam Pompey: “Good dark humor.” Dwill:” Why I’m even here?”

At the Common room, Ramen is searching potions. Ramen:” Hmm I need to find a potion master, maybe the Gossipers?” Alice:” I can help, I’m good with potion.” Ramen: “Really, ok we need to make a healing potion.” Alice:” Easy.” Ramen: “Wut the, even our prefect doesn’t know how to make it.” Alice:” My family is the best potion seller in Diagon Alley.” Ramen: “Wow, then let’s make the potion.” Alice: “Is not easy, we need to gather the ingredients is unicorn hair, centaur blood, worm wood, tulips lips and an eye monster eye juice.” Ramen: “Ok we need to get the stuff now.” Alice: “I get the gossipers and your friends.”

At the Forbidden Forrest. Ramen: “Look a centaur.” Heidi: “I have a sword we can’t cut it.” Dwill: “Why do you have a sword?” Heidi:” Fight first then ask question.” The Centaur is wrap by Ramen with the spell Incarcarnerous and attack by Heidi with the sword, but the centaur fight and Alice use the sleeping Draught potion to make the centaur fall a sleep. They got the first ingredients and now for the second ingredients unicorn hair.  Ramen:” Lumos, and BTW are we even aloud in the Forbidden Forrest?” Dwill:” We have permission from Prof Mcgonnaguy and Madam Pompey.” Ramen:” You are use full for something.” Burn Ramen. Dwill:” Besides that, we alredy have unicorn hair from the Corn Of Da Universe, worm wood and tulips lips, we just need eye monster eye juice.” Heidi:” Where we can find eye monster?” Ramen:” Me and Gips see eye monster when we at the water fall.” Alice:” Then lets go!”

At the water fall they see a horde of eye monster. when they want to attack it the eye monster attack it first. Ramen:” Petrificus Totalus.” The eye monster petrified. Alice:” Heidi cut it with your sword!” When Alice say that Heidi cut the eye monster and all of the eye juice went out. Ramen:” Lets go back before it’s too late.” Concern Ramen.

At the Potion class they manage to brew the potion. When the potion is use is working but Gips is still unconscious .Madam Pompey:” I think he cannot go to class for a week.”Dwill:” A WEEEEEKKK!” Surprise Dwill. Madam Pompey:” I think you all should go back to you common room.”


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